
September 4

Overcoming Conversational Blind Spots


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Most of us enjoy a good conversation and this experience often makes us feel good. This suggests that an effective conversation is far more than an exchange of words. You may be aware of how a memorable conversation made you feel, but what about the other person? Assuming that others see, feel and think as we do is the first of five conversational blind spots. By learning how to recognise and overcome these conversational blind spots will help you communicate more effectively.

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In This Episode, You'll Get Some Great Tips on How To Overcome Conversational Blind Spots...

There can be five conversational blind spots:

  • Assuming that others see what we see, feel what we feel and also think what we think.
  • The failure to realise that fear, trust & distrust changes how we see and interpret reality and therefore how we talk about it.
  • An inability to stand in each other’s shoes when we are fearful or upset.
  • The assumptions that we remember what others say. We drop out of conversations every 12-18 secs to process what people are saying..
  •  Assuming that meaning resides in the speaker, when in fact it resides in the listener until the speaker takes the time to validate and link back to make sure both have the same picture and shared meaning.

Overcoming Conversational Blind Spots - Resources

Conversational Intelligence Judith Glaser
Conversational Blind Spots Ladder of Conclusions

Brave by Sara Bareilles

Questions posed by the interview: How To OvercoMe Conversational Blind SPots

  • According to Judith Glaser, our words create a chemical reaction in the other person. How aware are you of the other person's feeling when, for example, you are having what you consider to be a difficult conversation?
  • There are three levels of conversation: transactional, positional and co-creating. How well do you adapt your style of conversation when you are trying to co-create?
  • What is your greatest learning from listening to this podcast episode and how will you apply this learning?

Introducing Robyn Vintiner

Robyn Vintiner

Robyn helps people find peaceful solutions for their emotional roller coaster, so they can express their views and feel heard without feeling judged or labelled. Her tagline is Youth and Vitality at Any Age.

According to the Creating WE Institute, the two least developed skills are the ability to have difficult conversations and to ask WHAT IF questions. #conversational #intelligence

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I would love to hear from you too. Do share your thoughts in the comments below.

Simon Fawkes

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conversational intelligence, Judith Glaser

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